Did you know that Synthotech offers a wide range of training courses on our products?
ServiceCAM training session for Wales and West Utilities in Bideford
If you have new team members that need training or just need a refresher course let us know.
Each training course, led by our Technical Support Engineers, includes an introduction to the product, discusses the benefits of using the product and when and where it should be used. The courses are interactive and always feature a trainer-led demonstration followed by practical sessions and a final assessment to provide evidence of learning. We then issue certificates to everyone who passes the course with their name and EUSR numbers, which are recorded on our database for any future reference.
Courses available include: SynthoCAM 3, S195, ServiceCAM Range, SynthoCAM TITAN, SynthoTRAX, WExTech Range (Water Extraction Systems), SIT-3 (ServiFlex Insertion Technique), M-CEX (Meter Exchange Kit), CaPEX (Cap and Plug Exchange), ServiBAG Range, I-Seal, StarGland and ServiBOOST.
A list of Synthotech approved training organisations and training packages are available upon request: info@synthotech.co.uk