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Posts by category
- Category: News
- Synthotech’s NEW Water Utility Industry Website
- Synthotech WIN Chris Bielby Award At Lions’ Lair
- Collaboration With Steve Vick For GSR PE Cut Off System Demonstration
- Announcing Our New Technology Hub!
- Synthotech Makes Exciting Waves In Australia And New Zealand!
- Wave goodbye to costly damages and exhausting inspections with ServiceCAM H2O Pro!
- Synthotech announce merger with HMG Water Solutions
- Synthotech Secures Prestigious Accolade: Yorkshire Business of the Year Award for Innovation
- Synthotech Makes A Big Step In Security!
- WexTech M-LTE To The Rescue!
- Synthotech Shortlisted for Yorkshire Business Of The Year!
- SGN’s Policy Team Visit
- SIT-3 Proves Large Excavation Unnecessary
- Our recent STARS visitors
- Ever wondered what our robots are doing crawling around your gas pipes?
- The ‘Must Have’ SynthoCAM 4 PE
- Exciting new collaboration project with Cadent
- Preparing for the coronation
- Busy time for our robotics team
- Regional Win at IGEM’s Young Person’s Paper Competition
- New product brochure
- What did SynthoTRAX find?
- Getting ready for Hydrogen
- Synthotech Showcases Solutions to Harrogate Borough Council Executives
- Synthotech Talks at World Gas Conference in South Korea
- A Successful Exhibition at Utility Week Live for Synthotech
- Synthotech Wins Innovation Gas Award for LeakVISION
- Synthotech Exhibiting at Utility Week Live 2022
- Synthotech’s LeakVISION Nominated for Gas Industry Award
- Being Green – Pressure Testing ServiceCAM From Recycled Parts
- Synthotech Hosts Successful IGEM LeakVISION Event
- Synthotech is Hiring: Sales and Marketing Assistant
- Synthotech Attends London Showcase Event and Lions’ Lair
- Celebrating the Success of Our SynthoCARE Team
- Navigating Pipe Bends With Ease Using SIT-3
- LeakVISION: Developing an Innovative In-Pipe Leakage Detection Sensor
- Synthotech Team Provided with SHEA Gas Passport Training
- Happy New Year from Synthotech
- Using a 2-inch metallic insertion system to inspect small steel pipes
- Christmas has arrived at Synthotech!
- Synthotech’s Engineers at NGN’s Hydrogen House
- Synthotech exhibits and sponsors at the IGEM London event evening
- Synthotech at the Great Yorkshire Show
- Minimising gas interruption using Synthotech’s ServiBAG Transfer
- Using a pipe insertion system to reduce the need for excavation and improve operative safety
- Synthotech’s continued innovation for inspection solutions
- Fixing pipes remotely using our STASS robot
- Synthotech’s continued success with BSI Audit
- Reline your metallic services with ServiFlex®
- Synthotech’s Technical Support Engineers have been busy training new operatives on new kits
- Testing starts on new collaboration streetworks project
- Growing our in house machining capabilities
- SynthoTRAX doing us proud
- Synthotech to export WExTech M-LTE system to Singapore
- A busy week for the Engineering team!
- Great news for ServiceCAM
- Do you need a lightweight system to solve your water ingress issues?
- Celebrating Chinese New Year with U-Tech Engineering
- SIT-3 has now been approved for use on the Cadent distribution network.
- Happy Australia Day to our Australian distributors Asset Integrity Australasia (AIA)
- Yet another busy week for our Technical Support Engineers
- COVID-19 Safety Plan: Keeping you and our team safe.
- Introducing the new ServiBAG Range
- Get your kit serviced or repaired in time for Christmas
- Are you looking for a fast, easy and reliable way to exchange an Emergency Control Valve?
- Would you like to reline a service with Serviflex easily and in half the time?
- Are you ready for Winter 2020?
- The perfect camera system to survey live Metallic gas pipes from 8” to 24”
- Can we help you with a specialist service?
- Do you need to survey inside live gas service pipes?
- Introducing the new WExTech M-LTE
- Project Zero is Live
- ServiBoost faces the Lions Lair
- An Evening of Innovation
- Merry Christmas!
- Great evening with IGEM
- Sharing robotic innovation across Europe
- Synthotech TSEs help Cadent to get back on gas
- STASS WINS ‘Best Gas Network Improvement’ award
- Live Pre-Enabling with Northern Gas Networks
- ServiceCam is awarded 4.4* out of 5
- Exciting new stage GRAID
- Great news for Synthotech
- Innovation through Collaboration
- ServiBoost in Great Company
- Innovation project becoming business as usual
- Well Done Project GRAID
- New Project STASS video
- TITAN™-Technology with Vision™
- TORS wins Innovation Showcase
- Are you ready for the wet season?
- Collaborating for the future
- Synthotech Supports Macmillan Cancer Research
- Synthotech welcomes Chinese delegation
- Project STASS stays on track at latest trials
- It’s been an ‘In-Tents’ week.
- Looking forward to No-Dig Live 2018 next week
- GRAID completes final online trial at Bacton
- Another great week of trials
- Out in the field: Synthotech Robots in action
- Getting ready for 2nd Live Gas Trials
- Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
- SynthoTrax Specialist Service a Success
- Successful trials for 4Bar ServiceCam
- Sharing Innovation
- Project GRAID succeeds at first LIVE gas trial
- Great week at World Gas 2018
- Project GRAID: the final frontier
- SynOvate for the future
- Success for GRAID
- Innovation Collaboration for success
- Winners at the Gas Awards 2018
- Sharing knowledge for the future
- Excellent week and more great events to follow
- Moving forward in the Water Industry
- TORS featured in the Gi
- Project GRAID hits another milestone
- Synthotech named as finalists for 3 awards
- Project GRAID had a chilly but successful week testing
- Well Done Team!
- Snowy weather may affect services
- Success for STASS
- Synthotech tames the Lions
- SealBack II continues…
- IPCO brings new customers Stedin on board
- Encouraging engineers of the future
- Launch of The National Centre for Nuclear Robotics
- Happy New Year!
- Merry Christmas
- Synthotech’s NEW Water system takes the next step
- Sharing innovation at LCNI
- Happy Days
- Busy week all round at Synthotech
- Funding for National Centre for Nuclear Robotics
- Pressure Testing Project GRAID
- WExTech to the rescue!
- Introducing the New TORS Knowledge Transfer Video
- Another great award for Synthotech
- Preparations underway for No-Dig Roadshow
- Come see the New TITAN Pan and Tilt camera system at IGEM’s Annual Conference
- WExTech Wins!
- Tomorrow’s Technology Knowledge Transfer
- Busy week for Synthotech’s Robotics teams
- Project System Two Assess & Seal Solution (STASS) Stakeholder Demonstration
- Project GRAID in the news
- Thomas steams over the finish line
- TORS Robotic Showcase
- Project GRAID returns to Spadeadam
- Our latest products are making their way to Scotland and Wales
- Introducing TITAN™ and Technology with Vision™
- GTC Construction add innovative new equipment to their tool box
- Continuing to support innovation awareness
- It’s been a sporty week here at Synthotech
- New projects gaining momentum
- Project GRAID wins!
- STASS project takes bold step forward
- Synthotech hosts Pipeline Innovation Research Club Seminar
- Project GRAID’s success continues
- NEW Titan Pan and Tilt Camera turns heads
- Project TORS reaches significant milestone
- Great week for Synthotech
- Synthotech Winners at the 2017 Gas Industry Awards
- Innovation: A New Hope
- Busy week for the TSE team
- Project GRAID ready for testing
- Synthotech shotlisted for prestigious 2017 EUA and IGEM Gas Industry Awards
- It been a busy week here at Synthotech
- WExTech systems at UKSTT and PIG’s Innovation & Technical Event
- Congratulations to Pipeline Industries Guild
- Continuously delivering Innovation
- Synthotech achieves Achilles Audit
- Synthotech at IGEM/PIG Lions Lair event
- Synthotech and PIG’s robotics event
- WExTech for Mains used on recent water pipe bursting on Quayside
- Synthotech’s Technical Support Engineering team has a new member
- SGN’s trainees learn about Synthotech
- Synthotech announce new appointments
- Happy 2017!
- ‘Twas the night before, the night before Christmas…
- Are you ready for Winter 2016?
- The Technical Support Engineers have been out and about
- ServiceCam Tips
- Farewell to Simon Ayley
- Continuing to support the IGEM regional events
- Our Technical Support Engineer Update
- New Synthotech Video launched
- Synthotech is off to the Netherlands
- Great exhibition this week
- National Grid prepares London for Winter
- Exciting times for Project GRAID
- What a great week for Synthotech!
- Northern Gas Networks’ Innovation Roadshow kicks off in Hull
- Synthotech’s Golf team return triumphant
- Success for Synthotech’s CPD Scheme
- Come and see Synthotech this Autumn
- Synthotech Soapbox Derby in Harrogate
- Synthotech Engineers do more than just design….
- Synthotech moves into China with U-Tech Engineering
- Happy 20th Birthday Synthotech!
- Great day was had by all
- GDN supply chain meets procurement
- Proud future for Synthotech
- Sharing information with Northern Gas Networks
- New extended TSE team is up and running
- WExTech for Services “Hailed a success in Hull”
- We’ve been busy
- Synthotech triumphant at IGEM EUA Awards
- Sharing innovation with Dutch utility networks
- Second IGEM Young Person’s Paper win for Synthotech
- Synthotech’s success continues
- Synthotech will be at IGEM’s Innovations in Safety & AGM event
- Synthotech achieves 100% Achilles Audit
- Synthotech shortlisted for awards
- Our Technical Support Engineering team is growing
- ServiceCam gets to the ROOT cause of escape
- Success at IGEM’s North East and Yorkshire’s Young Persons Paper Evening
- Synthotech & Steve Vick International help National Grid & Balfour Beatty reduce excavations.
- Selling Water Extraction to London & Southern
- Synthotech’s new Water Extraction System responds to “root cause”.
- Robotics could help keep railway infrastructure on track!
- Synthotech’s CPD Scheme produces its first Chartered Engineer!
- Synthotech Specialist Service Team helps investigation on 18” pipeline.
- GDN solves historic water ingress problem using latest Water Extraction System.
- ServiceCam saves GDN £1,000 on a single job!
- TORS robot delivers remote services-to-mains connections
- Sharing innovation at EUA Gas 2015 – Synthotech take to the stage!
- Lights, camera, action! Synthotech takes to the stage!
- Managing Director David Morgan draws the winning entry in the ServiceCam Challenge!
- Caroline finds more interesting items inside live gas mains!
- Next stop – Balfour Beatty Worsley!
- Our Innovations Roadshow at Balfour Beatty Wolverhampton.
- Synthotech prepares to tour Balfour Beatty
- Synthotech victorious at Pipeline Industries Guild Scottish Section Annual Golf Tournament
- New faces and New places
- SynthaCabaret?
- Continually delivering – updates of this week’s training
- Buy Now, Pay Later! Finance Options Available.
- Sharing knowledge to avoid meter resites – First Line Managers get to learn all about service replacement
- Charlotte takes a look inside a live 24″ MP cast iron main – look what she found!
- Synthotech – making man & machine work together
- Synthotech engineers perform live gas CCTV survey on 4 barg PE network.
- Synthotech take to the global stage at the 26th World Gas Conference in Paris
- Synthotech, National Grid Gas and TORS win prestigious innovation award
- The Power of Innovation.
- Pipe Tooling & Ancillary Equipment
- ServiFlex® Insertion Technique
- Construction Tooling
- Pipe Testing and Commissioning
- ServiBAG
- WExTech
- ServiBOOST
- SynthoTRAX™
- SynthoCAM™ H2O
- ServiceCAM™ H2O
- SynthoCAM Full Range
- PE Camera Systems
- PVC Camera Systems
- Metallic Camera Systems