This week our SynthoTeam have been at the Low Carbon Networks and Innovation (LCNI) Conference in Telford.
The conference provided an great opportunity for the electricity and gas network to showcase their innovation projects. The conference included some really interesting presentations and discussions around them including Wez Little’s (Synthotech’s Innovations Director) presentations on Project GRAID and Project STASS.
Wez Little presenting Project GRAID and Project STASS
There was also a lot of buzz around Synthotech’s innovation collaboration projects, if you would like to know more about any of the below projects or if you have an innovation project which you need help with please contact us here.
Our collaboration projects from clockwise – Project STASS in conjunction with Northern Gas Networks, Project GRAID with National Grid Gas Transmission and Servi-BOOST with Cadent Gas Limited.
Whilst this was all going on, back at Synthotech’s head office, we passed our BSI Audit. We are certified ISO9000 Quality Management System, ISO 14000 Environmental Management System, OHSAS 18000 Health and Safety Management System and PAS99 Integrated Management System. Congratulations and a big thank you to the SynthoTeam for all their hard work.