Today saw the formal kick-off meeting for the System Two Assess and Seal System (STASS) a new Network Innovation Allowance- funded project Northern Gas Networks are working on with UK SMEs Synthotech Limited and ALH Systems Limited.
Both companies boast proven track records of delivering cutting edge innovation through collaboration.
Synthotech, based within the NGN network area, are the lead technology partner and excited to be working with the gas distributer once again following the success of the Water Extraction projects.
Wez Little, Innovation Director of Synthotech said: “This project goes to show how NGN continues to think differently about the challenges with current proven technologies, and then enhance them to develop innovative solutions, allowing them to become very proactive about their larger diameter asset management.”
The STASS project aims to bring together a ‘best of breed’ within existing proven technology, evolving these to provide a cost-effective solution which will allow NGN to achieve the following under ‘live’ gas conditions:
1. Key Hole Access
2. Robotic visual Inspection of Tier 2 & 3 Assets
3. Identify and map key features
4. Seal joints and features
NGN has 1,700 km of Tier 2 and 3 assets and repair or assessment projects can be extensive. There are three key drivers for intervention in relation to these assets: leakage, proactive risk management, confirmation of as laid data.
NGN are looking to address the above three drivers to improve how they can proactively manage their Tier 2b and Tier 3 assets.
If you would like to know more about our innovation projects please contact us.

STASS kick off meeting