This week SynthoTrax was used by PMC to successfully survey a 18” main in Wales and West Utilities. The survey was to find 4” and 8” connections that were back-feeding the main. The super bright directional LED`s and the latest Titan pan and tilt camera gave crystal clear vision easily locating the connections. The low impact vertical launch added to the cost effectiveness of the whole job.
Next week the Synthotech Technical Support Engineers are going to be busy in Scotland. On Tuesday, they will be training out the latest SynthoCam 3 system for use with the new WASK Core and Vac drilling system. The WASK core and Vac drilling system is compatible with the SynthoCam 3 4.5mm, 6mm and 7.4mm insertion coilers, as well as the WExTech Mains water extraction systems.
On Wednesday, in Edinburgh, the Technical Support Engineers will be training out the first Titan Pan and Tilt camera system, as detailed in last week’s news. They will also be providing training on the new SynthoSeek ‘look see’ camera system, as well as ServiceCam, the service camera system, as shown in SGN Glasgow’s video last week. .
The SynthoSeek is an entry level camera system for repair teams who want to take a quick ‘look see’ to identify blockages, water ingress, connections, joints and or leaks. As a lightweight small footprint system, it minimises impact within operational vans, whilst maximising productivity as there is no need to wait for a camera team to get to site.